Wednesday, October 11, 2017

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Digital Dozen does Throwback week - Day 3

Welcome to day three and today I've got a throwback to August last year when the Digital Dozen prompt was Negative Space.  I've done a few drag marble flame designs like this.  In fact there's been a red one, a purple one and a green one, scroll to the bottom to see them all.  

The most recent one I did was during the 31 Day Challenge and I recall someone asking for a tutorial.  So lo and behold, I actually filmed creating these nails and will get a quick little video up on Instagram in the morning.

Here are all four I've done. Which is your favourite.  I really like them all, but definitly prefer the ones with the negative space at the top rather than the sold colour.


About Me

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I live in Canberra, Australia with my husband, Mr Ten and Miss Eight. My blog is all about nail polish, and a few other bits in between. You can contact me at