Friday, May 11, 2012

on 15 comments

Layla Ceramic Effect 62

Gvein my sipnlelg and gmmaarr aolpgoy yasdetrey, and the cevelr cemomnt form Catkin, I tughhot I wluod gvie tihs a try.  Not jsut uinsg the kownn praaargph, but to see if you ralely can udnstrenad waht I'm wirintg if all the ltteres in the wrods are mexid up, and olny the frsit and lsat ltteer are in the rhgit pclae. 

It wlil be smoe mtaenl suatiomlitn for you aynawy.

Hree is Layla 62. Sunnntig auqa bule gsals feclk simemhr.  Two catos wtih Shece Vtie top caot.

I can't keep it up, sorry.  You have no idea how long that paragraph above took to type!!  It was fun though.

I hope it made enough sense for you and too bad that google will never make enough sense on this page to index it correctly and get people here looking for swatches of Layla 62. 

If none of that made any sense, sorry and I hope you enjoyed the pretty pictures of Layla 62. 


  1. I'm really hoping these Layla's come to a US retailer. Stunning!

    And I actually had no issue reading this post. I have no idea what that says about my brain.

  2. I could work out what you said, but some of the words were much harder than other examples of this that I have seen. Definitely a good morning mental workout :)

  3. That's really very true, I was able to perfectly read everything you wrote! Also, these Layla polishes are SOOOOOO SO beautiful. Like, so much. I want them possibly more than i want HITS Demeter!

  4. That looks really cool!
    And I thought you were writing with some kind of dialect! :D

  5. I confess that first I was a little confused but yes, if the first and last letter is right, we can understand the meaning.
    Concerning the nail polish, Layla rules!

  6. I seen this (with the words) a few years back and it is so true! I had no trouble reading it & it probably explains why I am forever being called Kirsty!

    Pretty polish :-)

  7. The only word I had to look twice at was Mental,. ha! What does that say about me! These Layla polishes are so pretty.

  8. I thought google was having trouble translating a language for a moment. Lol.

  9. Ahhh my brain! Too hard! Too hard! Beautiful polish though ;)

  10. ROFL...crazy! I love the Layla polish!

  11. Ha ha - lvoe the post, love the polish! It scares me though that some of the words you use are how I type them anyways! And jsut glacning back here - I seriously do transpose letters all the time! Today I'm just leaving them there /sigh

  12. Haha, I read it just fine! Very pretty polish! :)

  13. I gave up after the first para but the polish is very pretty.

  14. Hah, this was fun.. First I was like 'did I forget how to read english?'.. heeh.. but I've heard about this before and it's so true! I can't believe you actually wrote that :p

  15. I uodnseotrd you pcterlefy. I was wrnodneig how lnog it wluod hvae tkaen you to wtire taht ppgaraarh haha!


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I live in Canberra, Australia with my husband, Mr Ten and Miss Eight. My blog is all about nail polish, and a few other bits in between. You can contact me at