Tuesday, September 6, 2011

on 33 comments

Spectraflair for all and a Spectraflair franken recipe

Ohhhhh, look what arrived today. 

Have you ever seen so much magical fairy vomit in your life?

Ok, so maybe it doesn't look that amazing in it's powder form, but once these babies are mixed in polish and on your tips, then POW - take that smack in the face!

My poor blog has been neglected for the last few days while I have been packaging colour morphing powders and posting them off.  Tonight I will be packaging up the spectraflair for those ladies that wanted it included with their morphing powders. 

If you would like to purchase some spectraflair, rather than me bore people who are here for the pretty pictures, please check my new page linked from the left that details how to send payment etc.

So want to see a franken that I created with my new course grade 1500-35 Spectraflair?

I call this Mocca Magic and here are LOTS of pictures of it.

This last one was taken indoors during the day, with no artificial lighting. As you can see, its base colour is a neutral beige, fleshy tan colour.  Even indoors with a light on this baby rainbows up.  I really love it.  It's one of my favourite frankens, and one of my favourite holos too!

So here's the recipe for a 5ml mini bottle.  Just multiply the polish amounts for the size bottle you are using.
  • Two shaker balls
  • Eight (8) drops of Kleancolor Coffee Addict.
  • Fill the bottle with clear polish (preferably a suspension base if you can get it)
  • Three (3) incy wincy straw spoonfuls of Spectraflair coarse grade.  The picture below shows one straw spoonful.  That jar is the size jar you will receive from me, that spoon is a thin 3-4 mm regular drinking straw.
That's it, easy wasn't it!

I'll be back soon with more frankens, good ones and not so good ones.  I may as well share them all with you!


  1. Eeep! I cannot wait for my pigments to arrive! Thank you so much for sharing. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your creations! Excuse me while I drool all over that picture of the big tub :P

  2. What a glorious colour! Well done.

  3. Such a beautiful rainbow shinning off of your nails! :)

  4. I don't use drugs, I don't smoke, I don't drink alcohool, I'm the perfect image of sobriety, but, my lords, I would sniff this powder aaaaaall the time!!! XD

  5. wow! al I can say is wow!!! I wish I have this too. hehe

    BTW, you have a very nice blog. Keep it up! Followed you. :)

  6. Cincly - drool away, I'm grab a cloth.

    gnoma - yes me too, then we would poop rainbows!

    Thanks everyone.

  7. My poo would be sooo happier!!! Is it also possible use this powder to die my hair? Or my cat's fur? I'm thinking about the worst uses for this powder! PAINTING THE CEILINGS OF MY HOUSE! Please, stop me! XD

  8. That is stunning! I have some Spectraflair pigment as well but mine is way more fine and for some reason it takes away from the effect.

  9. Thanks for your seperate page with order-information about the pigments!

  10. I have a question for you: I bought some Specktraflair RIGHT after reading My Lucid Bubble's post, and obviosly I read all your franken posts as well, and days ago I created my first franken with it, but my holo powder sits in the bottle after few hours; as base for a 8ml bottle I used half of clear polish (about 4ml) and half of a slightly duochrome blue shimmer, plus about 30-35 drops of a blue jelly: what do you think, is that a too runny formula to hold the Specktraflair in it?

    Thank you for the answer :>

  11. Smaltoitaliano - I was trying to make a red holo franken, and used 3/4 of a bottle of red and 1/4 clear. I thought that would be enough 'suspension' because it holds the red pigment, but the spectraflair still settles a bit (not all of it, but about half)

    Even though the spectraflair powder is finer than the morphing powder it is definitely heavier. It's also harder to shake up than the morphing powder.

    I think our only option is to get suspension clear base to mix instead of regular clear. Only TKB sell it, and they will ship internationally soon. But if you only want a little bit, you can try what Steffels did and make your own suspension base by thinning a bottle of cheap glitter, straining it through a coffee filter and leaving it open to thicken up again. Let me know how you go.

  12. Anyone remember the show (USA) "Perfect Strangers"? Balki, Larry.... Let's do the Dance of Joy! SpectraFlair Heaven.

  13. The thing that blows me away is just how very very very (did I say very?) little of the spectraflair you use in a bottle. Wow that's a gazillion bottles of awesome nail polishes being created by all of us.
    Definitely a time when less is more!!!!!!
    Hee Hee - kinda reminds me of the use of Vegemite - same story!

  14. Hahahahaha, my daughter had to ask what I was laughing so hard about...fairy vomit...too funny! Can't wait till my goodies arrive! thank-you!!

  15. You are so nice I can't even describe! Thank you so much for sharing!!! =)

  16. Kitties, thanks for the answer!

    At the moment I have to shake the bottle before appying polish, but if you stumbled in this problem too with Specktraflair, that's ok :>

    I'll read what Steffel did!

  17. Thanks so much for the recipe, I'm kicking myself now for not including Coffee Addict in my last order of the KC metallics!!

    My powders arrived today, now I just have to get my bottles & balls & more clear polish & I'm ready to go! (So wish that suspension base was already available to us here in Oz, it would make things easier).

  18. Can I ask how you got your hands on such a huge tub of Spectraflair?!

    1. Through the Australian supplier, and spending big bucks!! :)

    2. Since you don't plan on selling spectraflair any longer do you mind sharing who your supplier is?

  19. Spectraflair arrived today wooohooo
    It took super fast to arrive to Europe (app. 10 days)
    Many thanks, I'm off to make some awesome frankens ;)

    1. hello, can u tell me pls where did u bought Spectraflair? Thanx a lot!

  20. Looks so great! =) If I could pay in australian dollar, I would buy this from you. ^^

    But I have one question since I heard about Spectraflair the first time: Could it work to press the powder into little pans and use it as an eyeshadow?

    Greetings from Germany

    1. No, the product is only safe if it is suspended in some sort of lacquer. The manufacturer says to avoid contact with skin and eyes when handling, so it must not be mixed into a eyeshadow.

  21. Hi Cathy, I finally tried the spectraflair you sent to me three months ago. I am happy! I need to mix more colors :P... thanks so much.

  22. Would you be willing to send me some :-)


About Me

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I live in Canberra, Australia with my husband, Mr Ten and Miss Eight. My blog is all about nail polish, and a few other bits in between. You can contact me at morenailpolish@iinet.net.au